I currently offer individual psychotherapy and group work. I also offer specialized approaches for addiction and trauma issues. You can consult the relevant sections for more information on these different options.
Rates and Policy
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions last one hour and cost 90 euros. There are some discounts available depending on your situation, which we can discuss together during our first session.
The frequency of our sessions is also to be decided together. The overall goal is to create a working space for you that does not add stress to your life! Our contract needs to make sense to you and that's why it will be discussed and developped together when we first meet, and evolve as changes happen in your life.
I will support your decision to stop therapy whenever it comes up for you and I would suggest that you bring it up in advance so we can have time to process it and help you leave well, with a sense of completion.
If you arrive late at your session, we will have to end on time so that we don't run over into the next person's session. The session will be charged unless you cancel with a 24h notice, or if we can reschedule it within the same week.
Rates and policy will vary depending on the groups you are interested in. Consult the section on groupwork for more information.